Genetics and Heredity

What is Genetics?
Genetics is the branch of biology that studies heredity, genes, and genetic variation in living organisms.

What is Heredity?
Heredity is the process of transmitting the characteristics or traits of parents to the offspring through reproduction. It is also known as inheritance or biological inheritance.

What is allele?
Different varieties of the same gene are called alleles. They are alternative versions of a gene.

What is phenotype?
Phenotype is the observable characteristics of an organism. It is a result of the genes or alleles being expressed. The word phenotype is normally used to describe just a few characteristics that we are interested in.

What is genotype?
The genes responsible for determinig the characteristics of an organism are called genotype. It is formed by the alleles of an organism.

Briefly describe the protein synthesis process.
Genes are small segment of DNA. Genes contain the instructions necessary for protein synthesis. Protein synthesis process begins with copying a gene into mRNA. The mRNA molecule carries the genetic message from the nucleous to the ribosome. The ribosome has two parts, a larger and a smaller subunit. These two parts come together around the mRNA to begin translation. The tRNA molecules bring amino acids to the ribosome which are linked together to form a polypeptide chain and leaves. This mRNA translation process continues untill the protein synthesis is complete.